Nelson Mandela

We remember Nelson Mandela who died last night in South Africa at the age of 95.

Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 in Umtatu, nephew of a tribal chief  of the Thembu people

He  went to university and studied law. He also joined the African National Congress (ANC) in 1944 and fought against the white minority rule,  and the apartheid racist regime in his country.

He was arrested and sent to prison for 27 years.

When he was finally released, he was 71 years old and he became the first black president of South Africa  in 1990.


While he was in prison he became a symbol of resistance and change and he was famous all over he world.

There were demonstrations, boycots and concerts asking for Nelson Mandela to be set free.

This song was released in 1985 by  The Special AKA

Free Nelson Mandela

Three years later, on his  70th birthday in 1988 these two artists sang their songs:

Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits

Tracey Chapman: Talkin About a Revolution



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