hello again.

though this unit some students discovered some interesting apps connected with the topic

take your time trying some of them


Picture  I Know My Body 

 Picture«Body Adventure»

Now go to  body adventure and play «Blood Kart Racing» – learn about the circulatory system by travelling around with a red blood cell to pick up oxygen and deliver it to the cells.  Make sure you listen to the words of the song as you go.

Picturethe parrot on Whack-A-Bone

How much fun is this going to be?!!!  The parrot on Whack-A-Bone is going to help you make sure you know where each bone in the body is.  He’ll give you lots of encouragement!

PictureThe Great Brain Experiment – 

Are you faster or more attentive than other people? Can you remember more or make better choices? Time to test your brain and find out!
******Apps recommended by Ms Palmer classroom.visit it for much more information  http://mspalmersclassroom.weebly.com/grade-5-human-body-lesson-9-your-skin.html
And finally try the games, videos and so much more in the symbaloo collections. pick on the images to enter
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